30 May, 2012

Wordless Wednesday- Mango vs Papaya

The fight between Mango and Papaya in our home is equal to Coke vs Pepsi.  I (Jessi) adore papaya; the exotic perfumey flavor accelerated by a squeeze of lime is so refreshing on a warm day.

Our weekly haul of exotic fruits from the Tuesday Tiangis, can you name them all?
Boris on the other hand dies for Mango.  He is in heaven here in Mexico where you can easily find at least 5 different types of Mango at the local Tiangis each week.

Which do you prefer?  Papaya or Mango?

1 comment :

  1. I LOVE this picture ~ Would look really good in a frame in my kitchen with all these wonderful colors! I love Mango and Papaya equally!! :-)


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